نحن نقوم بتشغيل أنواع مختلفة من كسارات الحجر: الكسارات المخروطية، الكسارات الفكية، الكسارات المتنقلة، الكسارات الصدمية وآلات صنع الرمل، والتي يمكنها سحق الحجارة المختلفة: الجرانيت، البازلت، الدولوميت، الحجر الجيري، خام الحديد، إلخ.
The grits fall back into the grinding zone whereas the fines leave the classifier with the gas flow for being separated in cyclones or a filter. Technical data. Throughput rate. up to 7,000 t/h. Mill drive. up to 18,000 kW. Number of grinding rollers. up to 6. Feed size.
The cement raw material mixtures are ground, dried, and classified in the Pfeiffer vertical roller mill. For drying the material, hot gases are directed into the mill. Product fineness can be adjusted within a wide range (0.063 to 0.2 mm). The ground and dried product is separated from the process gas in a cyclone collecting system which is
The right solution to your problem. We have long been providing our customers with innovative solutions in preparation technology no matter how challenging the task might have been. We know what we are talking about. From raw material grinding to hydrating: we have the optimum solution when it comes to efficient material preparation with our
Wissen und Erfahrung vom Technologieführer der Branche. Wir sind die Vorreiter der Vertikalmühlentechnologie. Die Erfinder von Mühlenbetrieben über 10.000 kW, modularen ready2grind-Systemen und der Gipskalzinierung in der Vertikalmühle. Der weltweit gefragte Spezialist für innovative Lösungen mit eigener Entwicklungsabteilung und starkem
The ready2grind system is extraordinarily compact. The modules in standard container sizes are delivered preassembled. The grinding process is the same as that of bigger Pfeiffer grinding plants. The above flow sheet shows the process of cement grinding as an example. Clinker and additives are ground, dried, and classified in the Pfeiffer
Gebr. Pfeiffer do Brasil Brazil: 11: Service Point BME Packaging South Africa: 12: Subsidiary and Service Point Gebr. Pfeiffer CIS Russia: Download service brochure. Any questions concerning our services? Contact us now. Gebr. Pfeiffer SE; Barbarossastr. 50-54: Phone: +49 (0)631 4161 0: 67655 Kaiserslautern: Fax: +49 (0)631 4161 290:
OOO "Gebr. Pfeiffer GUS" 119119 Moscow. Vavilova 53 building 1 . Office 23-26. Russian Federation. Gebr. Pfeiffer Malaysia. Tochtergesellschaft und Servicepoint . Gebr Pfeiffer Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Unit 7-3 Menara Mudajaya . Jalan PJU 7/3 Mutiara Damansara. 47810 Petaling Jaya. Malaysia . Fax: +603 76229853.
Unser wachsendes Familienunternehmen blickt auf eine über 150-jährige erfolgreiche Firmengeschichte zurück. Bei Gebr. Pfeiffer sind Verlässlichkeit und Berechenbarkeit ein hohes Gut der Unternehmenskultur. Zu den wichtigsten Werten gehören außerdem eine langfristige Unternehmensentwicklung sowie besondere Markt- und Kundenorientierung.
OOO "Gebr. Pfeiffer GUS" 119119 Moscow. Vavilova 53 building 1 . Office 23-26. Russian Federation. Gebr. Pfeiffer Malasia. Sede y punto de servicio . Gebr Pfeiffer Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Unit 7-3 Menara Mudajaya . Jalan PJU 7/3 Mutiara Damansara. 47810 Petaling Jaya. Malaysia . Fax: +603 76229853.
Há muito tempo fornecemos aos nossos clientes soluções inovadoras em tecnologia de preparação, por mais desafiadora que tenha sido a tarefa. Nós sabemos do que estamos falando. Desde a moagem de matérias-primas até a hidratação: temos a solução ideal quando se trata de uma preparação eficiente de materiais com nossos produtos
A empresa sediada em Kaiserslautern possui mais de 500 funcionários em todo o mundo. Clientes em todo o mundo confiam nas soluções inovadoras de sistemas da Pfeiffer, garantindo uma preparação eficiente de cimento, escória granulada de alto-forno, matéria-prima de cimento, carvão, cal, gesso, argila e muitos outros materiais.
MVR vertical mill with conventional drive: economical solution for small to medium output rates. For the preparation of cement raw material, cement, and granulated blast-furnace slag with small to medium output rates, the MVR mill with conventional drive is the right choice. This mill type is by the way the core piece of our modular ready2grind
Pfeiffer products. There is probably no one who could tell us something new about modern preparation of materials. In fact we do not only offer our innovative mills type MPS and MVR but also a wide portfolio of
Assistência completa do fabricante. Serviços é o que consideramos o complemento perfeito para nossos produtos e soluções de sistemas: uma oferta bem concebida que inclui serviços individuais que ajudam você a obter os melhores resultados possíveis com seus moinhos. Você pode contar com o suporte de nossa equipe de assistência
Die Firma Gebr. Pfeiffer SE ist ein Unternehmen in Kaiserslautern, das technische Mühlen und Anlagen mit den Aufgaben Mahlen, Sichten, Trocknen, Löschen und Kalzinieren für die Herstellung von Zement, Kalk, Gips, und Keramik produziert. 2012 firmierte das Unternehmen zur Societas Europaea um. Der Umsatz des pfälzischen Mühlenkonzerns
Gebr. Pfeiffer arising from a vision. // In 1864, company founder Jacob Pfeiffer had a vision of grinding mineral raw materials on a large scale. This idea became reality. Today the company looks back on a long-time success story of developing the most modern mill technologies. Behind the name of Gebr. Pfeiffer more than 500 employees are all
The Pfeiffer portfolio includes another type of separator which is similar in design but has no variable speed control: the SUT distribution table separator which is the smaller, less expensive version for applications where target fineness degrees stay more or less the same. No doubt Pfeiffer has everything you need in terms of separation.
L’entreprise ayant son siège social à Kaiserslautern a plus de 500 employés pour ses activités internationales. Dans le monde entier, des clients font confiance aux solutions systèmes innovatrices de Pfeiffer pour la préparation efficace de ciment, laitier granulé de haut-fourneau, cru de ciment, charbon, chaux, plâtre, argile, etc. Notre clientèle bénéficie
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd. e Gebr. Pfeiffer, a cooperação de sucesso continua. Como a maior operadora de fábricas de cimento da Índia e uma das dez maiores do mundo, a Ultra Tech Cement Ltd de Mumbai, Índia, está contribuindo para moldar o futuro da indústria cimenteira. Para a construção de três novas linhas de produção de clinquer, a
Lackieren und Sandstrahlen bis zu 13 m Länge. mechanische Bearbeitung mit Dreh- und Fräsmaschinen und Bohrwerken. Montage bis zu 80 t. Gerne stellen wir Ihnen weitergehende Unterlagen zu unserem Angebot zur Verfügung. Rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns! +49 (0)631 4161 319. [email protected].
La alcaldesa de Kaiserslautern visita Gebr. Pfeiffer. El 2 de abril de 2024, la Sra. Beate Kimmel, alcaldesa de la ciudad de Kaiserslautern, visitó Gebr. Pfeiffer SE para conocer de primera mano la tecnología y las máquinas que se exportan desde Kaiserslautern a todo el mundo. Leer más. 02-11-2023.
For more than 150 years, Gebr. Pfeiffer with its head office in Kaiserslautern and 500 experienced employees has pioneered the development of the most modern mill technologies.
MVR vertical roller mill from Gebr. Pfeiffer with patented multiple drive system MultiDrive® for the highest throughput rates and permanent plant availability
Gebr. Pfeiffer: Your partner for process-optimized overall grinding plants. // It‘s only a small step from a Pfeiffer mill to an overall grinding plant. With our competence based on decades of experience in mill technology, we take the Pfeiffer vision
Gebr. Pfeiffer India spendet ein Jahr lang für 1.000 Schulkinder ein Mittagessen (Mid-Day Meal – MDM) im Rahmen einer CSR-Aktion im Wert von 1,5 Mio. INR. Als verantwortungsbewusstes und führendes Unternehmen im indischen Industriesektor ist Gebr. Pfeiffer India Pvt Ltd. an seinem 24. Gründungstag am 26.
Gebr. Pfeiffer – Getting it done . 5 good reasons to opt for Pfeiffer . 1. Goods and services that are worth the money. Investment in Pfeiffer machines and plants pays off. Because the overall performance is right. Extremely reliable and with excellent results. For economic success and high ROI – for sure.
Gypsum processing with Pfeiffer, i.e. grinding, drying, separating, and calcining with the proven MPS gypsum mills and separators for the production of any type of gypsum plaster
Coordination of any other measures (ordering spare parts, etc.) and planning their implementation. Delegation of service technicians to the site to solve the problem. Please call whenever you need us. +49 631 4161 – 888. Gebr.
Knowledge and experience from the technology leader in the industry. We are the pioneers of vertical roller mill technology. The inventors of mill drives with more than 10,000 kW, modular ready2grind systems and gypsum calcination in vertical roller mills. The worldwide sought-after specialist for innovative solutions, with its own development
Gebr. Pfeiffer India contributed INR 15 lakhs under CSR drive, towards Mid-Day Meal (MDM) program for 1000 school children for a year. As a responsible and leading company in the Indian industrial sector, Gebr. Pfeiffer India Pvt Ltd, on its 24th Foundation Day has entered into a meaningful partnership with the Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF
كسارة الحجارة - يتم بيعها بواسطة موردين معتمدين، مثل الكسارة الفكية/المخروطية/الصدمية/المتنقلة، وما إلى ذلك.
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